Tuesday, 22 March 2016

ISIS- (the radical Islamist terror group, not the brand of TV i've got in my bedroom)

I’ve spent a lot of time reading articles about ISIS and what makes them tick, and so with some authority I can tell you that I still have absolutely no fucking idea what they’re all about.

The basic gist of things seems to be that according to the Quran there is an impending apocalypse, which is nice. In the countdown to the big apocalypse, the Muslims will defeat Rome aka the west in a long drawn out battle which will ultimately be finished off triumphantly and bloodily by none other than Jesus Christ himself. What a twist. I didn’t even know Jesus was part of Islam, but it turns out he is considered a very powerful prophet. And he’s going to kill us all. Happy days.

ISIS believe that they have a “Caliphate”, which I think (I think) translates to an Islamic government/empire ruled by a “Caliph” who is seen as a successor to Prophet Muhammad. Basically (I think) the objective is to keep expanding the boundaries of this Caliphate so that their interpretation of Islam can be dictated to anybody living within it. Until eventually, it all kicks off and there’s a proper nawty, nawsty little ruck and ISIS win. I think. Woohoo.

It all sounds nuts, and there’s a couple of good reasons for that. The first is that I don’t even know if I’m 100% right with the above, so it could well be nuts in the literal “where has he got all that random shit from?” sense. The second reason is quite simply that it just is stark raving bonkers.

Considering how mad it all is it’s no wonder there’s confusion and the same old myths are peddled every time something happens. One such myth is that ISIS supporters aren’t “real” Muslims or that they are “un-Islamic”. Whilst clearly, obviously, it goes without saying etc that the vast majority of Muslims want nothing to do with this apocalyptic death cult, ISIS are taking everything they believe in straight out of the Quran, word for word. Whilst it may be a terrible brand of Islam it’s no less legitimate than the friendlier, peaceful beliefs shared by others. It’s too easy to just say they aren’t Muslims. They are.

On the flip side there are of course the types who’ll just blame all Muslims, which is also total rubbish. Clearly, obviously, it goes without saying etc. The lad on Twitter summed it up when he put something along the lines of “People keep telling me I need to get rid of ISIS when I can’t even get a girl to text me back” which was a point that was equally hilarious as it was well made. So who is to blame?

The next lot of people who get the blame are “us”. “Who me?” “Yes you”. “Couldn’t have been.” “Then who (stole the cookie from the cookie jar) is responsible for the rise of ISIS?” While some hold the extreme view that it’s all down to Islam others have decided it’s “cuz of Bush and Blair innit”. Well, not exactly. While foreign policy obviously hasn’t helped matters over the years I don’t think you can account for a load of blood crazy savages to be running around chopping people’s heads off, shooting concert goers and blowing up train stations.

There’s a racist undertone to that kind of thinking that says people anywhere east of our fair Isle are simple minded types, prone to pre-historic savagery if you dare upset them in any way. They have a cause they believe in, they are well organised, they are backed up by a holy book that nobody dares to question and they don’t need some toff from the UK or an absolute imbecile of a Yank part time golfer to reinforce their beliefs.

So who is to blame? And what can we do about it? God/Allah (delete as applicable) knows. There are too many reasons to list and I don’t know half of them. Don’t ask me, I’m just a little twat who writes a blog once every 35 years.

The way I see it, these loons are like the dementors off Harry Potter. They thrive off misery, pain and suffering. They want you to spread hate, it’s the only way their message will spread and help their borders to expand. Don’t become their most powerful recruiters by blaming innocents and leaving them disenfranchised. Basically, without wishing to sound like a flipping great hippy (cuz I’m not mate, alright?) we’ve just got to keep going about our lives spreading joy, happiness, and all those other hippy type things.

When, inevitably, they come after London again, and it is inevitable, the same applies. Don’t turn to Farage or some other crackpot of his ilk. It’ll be tempting, deep down, to strike out. You'll feel that rage in your stomach usually reserved for your team conceding a last minute winner. But that’s how they win. Don’t let them win.

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